general information
Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, Cranberries have been a staple food in America as early as 1550, proving endless health benefits to its consumers.
Cranberries are usually wet harvested in the fall, while only a small percentage is dry harvested. They are grown throughout the northern part of the United States, with Wisconsin contributing to 57% of U.S. grown cranberries. Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington are also primary growers of cranberries.
There are over 100 varieties of cranberries that grow in North America. Some varieties include: Howes, Early Blacks, Stevens, Searles, Ben Lear, and McFarlin.
nutritional content (per 100 grams)
Calories - 349
Calories from Fat - 7.86
Total Carbohydrates - 84.9 g
Sugars - 72.4 g
Dietary Fiber - 5.46 g
Protein - 0.32 g
Total Fat - 0.873 g
Saturated Fat - <0.5 g
Trans Fat - <0.01 g
Cholesterol - <1.0 mg
Vitamin A - <35.0 IU
Vitamin C - <1.00 mg
Calcium - 9.99 mg
Iron - 0.415 mg
Sodium - 6.15 mg